1 500 000 HITS.

I would like to share this with all of you. We have passed 1 million and a half hits, thanks to you all. The previous thread on sailnet (2010- 2014)  was not far from that.

On this blog (2014-2018) the beginning was slow but it has been growing steadily each year, even if it is a seasonal blog that closes for the sailing season, 5 months in a year. The audience now is of about 30 000 views a month.

I will continue till I stop having fun doing it, even if in what regards earning some money with it, it has been a disillusion. This kind of automatic adds only pay when people open them and unfortunately not many do that. The system is conceived for social blogs that have millions of views a day, not for this type of blog.

To all of you, thanks for the company on this journey on boat design and sailing fun and if I may ask something, try to participate more doing comments. It is a way of not feeling lonely on this side of the net and feeling that you are enjoying the blog.


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