I was actually not talking about extraordinary costs of upgrading an Oceanis with special performance equipment but choosing from the options list to get a normally fully equipped boat.

Do you mean that regarding a standard Oceanis 38 with options and a standard Dehler 38 with the same options and level of equipment the Oceanis 38 is not less expensive? I find that hard to believe but certainly you have asked for prices. That would be interesting. Can you email me more details about that?

Yes, I have full price lists and calculations of both Oceanis and Dehler 38. Oceanis 38 is slightly more expensive at the same amount of standard equipment. Dehler sails, to pick an example, are much better for the price. They end up at appr. €205000.

That is quite surprising and it means that if we actually want to put the Oceanis 38 near the sail performance of the Dehler 38 (bigger mast, traveler for the mains sheet, better quality sails and so on) then the Oceanis 38 would be more expensive. And what is true for Dehler should be true to Elan or Salona that are even less expensive than Dehler for a similar level of equipment.

Hard to understand Beneteau policy on the Oceanis 38 unless the boat is meant to be sold with a lot less options then the ones you required. The boat cost on the standard configuration a bit less then 100 000 euros (without VAT). That 's the problem with options, they can raise the price of a boat sharply and as the Oceanis 38 has more options that any other boat it seems that the end result for someone that wants a lot of options can be quite surprisingly ;-)

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