This very fast Turkish cruiser racer (Mills design) was tested recently by and they made an interesting movie while testing it:
The IRC rating is very high, something like 1.039 while a bigger A35 has a smaller one (about 1.033) and a similar sized JPL1010 has 1.011 but the boat has been proved difficult to sail to its rating and have been slower than boats with smaller ratings (a note for our American friends: contrary to PHRF on almost all other rating systems a bigger number means a faster boat). Contrary to those two boats (A35 and JPK 10.10) it is a much more dificult boat to sail solo, a true regatta boat while the other two are designed in a more polyvalent way, being suited for solo racing and also more forgiving while cruising with a short crew.
Looking at this video report I had the growing feeling this is very much a Turkish Xp33... and this impression was confirmed at the end by the testers themselves. This kind of quality and technology never comes cheap, and so are the prices.
I quite like the interior lay-out, although the Xp looks more cozy and better finished (although I have not yet set a foot on either of the two boats). But even from a cruising point of view, I don't like the forward and quite high position of the water tank on the M.A.T.S. In racing mode it will of course be empty, but when cruising I think it will have a significant impact on upwind behavior in choppy conditions, especially with such a light hull. I don't understand why they didn't fit it underneath one or even both of the cabin seats/bunks.
I agree with almost everything with you have said and I will add the the head of the Mat 10 10, just on the bow, should be very difficult to use on the sea, specially upwind with the boat pitching ;-).
To take advantage of all that ballast the MAT 10.10 has a very different transom (and different hull) designed to go upwind with a lot of heel while the XP33 has a more forgiven hull (certainly easier to sail downwind) with a marked chine and is designed to sail upwind with less heel and to have that chine working on that position, increasing stability at the optimal angle (on the pictures the first one is always the MAT):
As negative points, sailing very fast the Mat 1010 downwind is for an expert crew. The boat has not "small wheels" on the side to help. I believe that a less expert crew or a cruiser will sail much more easily and probably faster, the XP downwind.
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