They were rescued out of cape horn on very difficult conditions by the Chilean Navy after his boat lost its mast. Several big storms on the area had lead to a previous capsize due to what James described as a huge breaking wave. The mast resisted but he thinks that it was weakened and that lead to the posterior loss. At the same time it was rescued a steel sailboat also after having lost the mast and sustained serious damage. I would not have exposed a one year old child on a small boat to the conditions of Cape Horn. I am really happy to know they are all well and very sad about them especially about the kids that lost the only home they knew, their home.
On the old thread I had talked about the Burwick family and about Somira great photos. An unusual family circumnavigating with small kids on a 13 old Finot Open 40ft racer. It seems that for them the comfort of a racer was enough as a home while James Burwick was taking them around the world on a circumnavigation. They were true sea gypsies:

James Burwick is an old salt that fell in love with a younger woman and made not only the impossible dream to start a family at a mature age but also to live the dream to voyage in a sailboat around the world with them. He was for all his live an outdoor man used to live in tents, his wife was a refugee, also used to lack of comfort so probably this explains the choice of the boat: The best in what regards price, efficiency, speed and safety (for that size) but certainly not the more comfortable. It seems to suit them well as their camping tent around the world. Somira transformed herself in a remarkable photographer: Please don't miss Somira photos and if you like you can even buy some. They really are that good: 
An interesting interview:
TZ: Why are you sailing around the world with your kids, and what does the rest of your route look like?
JB: We are not really sailing around the world. That is not the goal or the plan. We are giving the gift of the sea to the children. We are spending the formative years with them 24/7. We're doing a program of experiential education. We like very much the Southern Hemisphere so we have been sailing in the westerlies downwind. We are in New Zealand awaiting the birth of our third child, due Dec 22. We have no plans at present. This is a real gift for us.

TZ: How have you dealt with questions of safety for the young ones, and what sort of rules and procedures have you put in place?
JB: It is all about risk management. On deck, full body harness, no life jacket. Make the clip [to the safety line] or take the ride [into the sea]. We clip in. No compromising at this time. I sometimes demand crew confined to their berths. The kids know why this is happening, and it is cool with them as this means either story time, book reading, or movies.
TZ: How do your children feel about your voyage?
JB: They are are bit young to ask. Raivo is two and T-bird is four. She was asked upon arrival in Auckland how the passage from Melbourne was. She replied, "It was short, just 10 days." 
TZ: Are they aware that they are doing something unusual? 
JB: Yes, they are. They see the other life experience, the rooms with toys and houses with things, and at the end of the day, they want to go back to the boat where it is simpler.]TimZimmermann Speaks With James Burwick on Anasazi Girl about Life Aboard |Sailing World

Some happy developments happened later. After the difficult family rescue by the Chilean Navy, they managed also to tow the boat to Puerto Williams and James Burwick  flew from Puenta Arenas to pick it. Chapeau to the Chilean Navy!!!
 The boat was already for sale and has now a reduced price. They intend to change to a catamaran that will give more space to the family.
It seems they are alright and happy: Just look at these Somira photos (with the kids) in Puerto Williams. Great photos and the kids could not look better :-)

more here:

All the best to all of them!

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